As your clients’ trusted security advisor, it’s likely that security threats such as ransomware and phishing keep you up at night. But what about email security? Yes, sending and receiving emails is a lot like brushing your teeth—it’s a routine task that you do daily and don’t think about. However, email is a ubiquitous tool that everyone uses. Since emails are in an open format that can be read on any device without decryption, cybercriminals love to intercept them.
Additionally, now that bad actors have brushed up on their Generative AI skills, they can easily impersonate a sender or manipulate email content in the form of body copy, attachments, URLs or a sender’s email address. And did you know that email is a primary vehicle for spreading ransomware, which can also put your clients’ sensitive data at risk?
Email Security Best Practices
It’s time to reexamine your clients’ email security. Here are some tools and best practices to implement right away.
- Spam filter: A spam filter can detect spam and keep it from hitting your inbox. It can also file it as junk mail.
- Email encryption: Email encryption changes communications into a garbled arrangement of letters, numbers and symbols that someone who intercepts it cannot read.
- Antivirus protection: This screens emails and attachments for viruses, providing the user with warnings if anything suspicious is detected.
- Secure email gateway (SEG): A secure email gateway filters out potentially dangerous emails according to the settings of an IT administrator.
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA): MFA requires a user to provide more than one authentication factor to prove they should be granted access to a system.
- Cybersecurity training: Fortinet offers free cybersecurity training to help your clients recognize social engineering, phishing and other types of attacks that are typically executed using email.
Learn how FortiMail can protect against threats such as phishing, spam and various types of malware by scanning the contents of emails. You can also strengthen your clients’ email security with insights from Fortinet’s Email Risk Assessment.